About Me

Hi, I'm Mia. I love crafts, homeschooling and living in different countries. In Central America and Mexico it became somewhat of a challenge to make things. I learned to use articles on hand and a lot of imagination. One very big inspiration for me was when I watched a mother cleaning a chicken. As her little boy skipped by he paused and started looking at the "guts" that she had just placed in a bowl. He pulled out what looked to be the stomach. He then cleaned it up. Placing it to his mouth, he began to blow it up. It was now a balloon. His mother turned and smiled at him as he skipped off to show his prize to his friends. It was then that I challenged myself to make or create things without spending a lot of money. I enjoy using things I already have or can purchase inexpensively. You can do it too. Take the challenge.


Backyard Miniature Golf

These two miniature golf holes were made for my grand son's 3rd birthday party.  We also had a water park to go along with it as well.  That is another blog.  

I bought a full piece of plywood and had them cut it in half.  I had an old soft blue blanket that I covered the plywood with and stapled it on the bottom.  I lined 3 sides with strips of cardboard so the ball wouldn't roll off the plywood.  At the last minute a friend of mine brought these plastic miniature golf toys over and I added them.  I found them on line for a very reasonable price but I knew I wouldn't use them again so I was grateful for being able to use them for this party.  I then separated  the sections with strips of cardboard to made a challenge.  The kids really enjoyed it and took turns playing as the others played in the "water park".

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