About Me

Hi, I'm Mia. I love crafts, homeschooling and living in different countries. In Central America and Mexico it became somewhat of a challenge to make things. I learned to use articles on hand and a lot of imagination. One very big inspiration for me was when I watched a mother cleaning a chicken. As her little boy skipped by he paused and started looking at the "guts" that she had just placed in a bowl. He pulled out what looked to be the stomach. He then cleaned it up. Placing it to his mouth, he began to blow it up. It was now a balloon. His mother turned and smiled at him as he skipped off to show his prize to his friends. It was then that I challenged myself to make or create things without spending a lot of money. I enjoy using things I already have or can purchase inexpensively. You can do it too. Take the challenge.


I was always bored with parties doing the same ole thing.  You bring a gift, talk, watch them open gifts, talk and then eat and drink and talk.  I decided to make life more interesting.  At  least for me it made it more interesting.  For my daughter's baby shower I laid out my scrap booking materials and let them make pages for the new baby.  I had a lot of equipment and paper and stickers from over the years.  If you want to do it for the first time it is not that expensive.  You can purchase an 8x10 package of acid free paper with "baby" colors and  several packages of stickers (you can get all this 50% off if you plan ahead and have a coupon).  Add some ribbon and anything else that catches your eye.  Gather up a few pairs of scissors (they can share), a few glue sticks and let them have some fun.  

Here are a few pages that they made.  

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