About Me

Hi, I'm Mia. I love crafts, homeschooling and living in different countries. In Central America and Mexico it became somewhat of a challenge to make things. I learned to use articles on hand and a lot of imagination. One very big inspiration for me was when I watched a mother cleaning a chicken. As her little boy skipped by he paused and started looking at the "guts" that she had just placed in a bowl. He pulled out what looked to be the stomach. He then cleaned it up. Placing it to his mouth, he began to blow it up. It was now a balloon. His mother turned and smiled at him as he skipped off to show his prize to his friends. It was then that I challenged myself to make or create things without spending a lot of money. I enjoy using things I already have or can purchase inexpensively. You can do it too. Take the challenge.


With very little time to find a Monarch butterfly costume for a 3 year old and a 1 year old you really need imagination.  Since there were no Monarch costumes in town we went to plan B

I ran to the craft store and bought black and yellow crepe paper and a few styrofoam balls.  I took the little red wagon of theirs and covered it in black then decorated it like the butterfly in yellow and added white dots.  I used clothes hangers spread open for the antenna and made headbands for the girls and covered them in black crepe paper and added small styrofoam balls.  

The newspaper photographer took a picture of the wagon as it went down the street.

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