About Me

Hi, I'm Mia. I love crafts, homeschooling and living in different countries. In Central America and Mexico it became somewhat of a challenge to make things. I learned to use articles on hand and a lot of imagination. One very big inspiration for me was when I watched a mother cleaning a chicken. As her little boy skipped by he paused and started looking at the "guts" that she had just placed in a bowl. He pulled out what looked to be the stomach. He then cleaned it up. Placing it to his mouth, he began to blow it up. It was now a balloon. His mother turned and smiled at him as he skipped off to show his prize to his friends. It was then that I challenged myself to make or create things without spending a lot of money. I enjoy using things I already have or can purchase inexpensively. You can do it too. Take the challenge.



My grandson needed a poster showing his vacation, and the things he enjoys doing.  The vacation part was easy.  They had just made a driving trip to Maine and had recent pictures.  I decided on the ones with water.  I split the board in half.  One side brown construction paper for "earth" and the other side blue construction paper for "water".  
His favorite sport is golf.  So naturally that would be the largest picture and placed in the center.  With scrapbooking it is very important to mat the photo you pick to make the colors "pop" out.  I chose 3 different colors to put on the back of the golf photo in the center.  The picture also had a lot of empty space so I cut it in an oval shape.   The outer borders were so blank I couldn't come up with a way to make it "snap" so I decided on a track made out of construction paper.  I used cheap construction paper because these pictures were just copies and it wasn't meant to keep for a life time.   The next thing he likes is trains.  He wanted a picture of his train table on his poster.  When I took the picture it really had a lot of things that I didn't want behind him,  so I cut out his body and the table and didn't mat it.  I wanted to use both the airplane photos on the bottom left so I did the same thing with one of them to make them look different.  I added letters and some stickers from the craft store.  It took about 2 hours to put together.  The cost was under $5.00.  If you can plan ahead you can use coupons and really save money.

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